Newsletter archive.

Kathie’s newsletters contain a grammar tip and then maybe a book recommendation or productivity tip, or something else that shows off her pro subscription to Canva.

Stamps Collection #11 (using a comma with direct address)

Stamps Collection #10 (holiday grammar)

Stamps Collection #09 (they/them)

Stamps Collection #08 (a historic)

Stamps Collection #07 (‘90s/90s)

Stamps Collection #06 (bi/semi)

Stamps Collection #05 (A-ha/aha)

Stamps Collection #04 (e.g./i.e.)

Stamps Collection #03 (hyphenating compound modifiers)

Stamps Collection #02 (good/well)

Stamps Collection #01 (famous/infamous)
(There’s a major mistake in this one, as pointed out by the high-schooler I tutor. “Infamous doesn’t mean evil,” she said. “Oh,” I said. “Snap.” Infamous means being widely known, but not in a good way. It’s the opposite of famous in that way.)